The safety of our treasured residents and team is our absolute priority. At present, our care home regulator, The Care Quality Commission, are continuing to monitor and engage with care providers to maintain standards and promote the delivery of best practice.
We are pleased to share the positive findings of their report published on 4th June 2020 into the safety and effectiveness of care at Brooklands. The report inspected four aspects of infection control and was conducted by telephone interview:
• Safe Care and Treatment
• Staffing arrangements
• Protection from Abuse
• Assurance Processes, Monitoring and Risk Management
The CQC highlighted that we are managing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It noted that “service users have received consistent care that has maintained their dignity and met their needs” and “the ability of the home to manage the outbreak has been positively demonstrated.”
Staff have received Infection Prevention and Control training and enough PPE was in place. “Staff are acutely aware of their responsibilities towards those in their care” and “the registered manager reports excellent team working amongst staff and that morale is good; staff have received continuous support and all the information they need to perform their role at this time.”
The report stated that:
• There were systems to assess and respond to risks regarding infection prevention and control, including those associated with COVID-19.
• Essential equipment, such as personal protective equipment, was available in sufficient quantities to help us manage the impact of COVID-19.
• We had taken steps to ensure the environment was as effective as possible in containing an outbreak of COVID-19.
• There were enough suitably skilled staff to provide people with safe care in a respectful and dignified way during the COVID-19 pandemic.
• People were being safeguarded from abuse, harassment and discrimination.
• There were effective systems to monitor the overall quality and safety of care being provided at the service during the COVID-19 pandemic.
You can read the full report here.